Bee and Puppycat Art Ep 2 Bee and Puppycat Art Tumblr

Hans Tseng moved from Taiwan to Southern California when he was five years old and is now a background and character designer on Bee and PuppyCat - although, in his words, "tends to be all over the place" on the show and even designed the logo! Tseng also has a web comic, "Directions of Destiny," and likes videos games a lot — and has fatigued for video games too. You definitely desire to read his interview - especially if yous want to find out where a Sailor Moon reference snuck into the groundwork. In improver to his website, you can discover Hans on Tumblr and Twitter.

How did you acquire to draw?

My dad was into drawing as a hobby then he got me started young, maybe when I was three or four years old, and my mom has been supportive of me keeping up with it my whole life. I grew up watching Ghibli movies and Sailor Moon so I remember drawing those a lot when I was young. (note: that'south Hans' self portrait above)

Did you always want to work in animation?

Actually, for about of my life I was more into the thought of working in comics or games, but generally I figure every bit long every bit I'one thousand working in a style I savor I'll be happy working wherever!

How did you become involved in Bee and PuppyCat?

I first met Natasha through her roommate at the time, my friend Amanda Thomas (the groundwork painter for the outset pilot episode). Afterwards the beginning season was greenlit I was referred to do backgrounds by Efrain (Efrain Farias, the current fine art manager and color stylist).

What practice you practice on the series?

I practice some things hither and there! I worked on the logo for the series, and initially I was simply doing groundwork designs, with some background paints and color keys with Efrain, but from episode three I've taken on the full groundwork paints also.

I also worked together with Natasha on the character designs for Deckard, Cass, Cardamon, and the base pattern for Bee which is used as a template to blueprint her costumes.

Efrain, Natasha and I also make notes, drawovers and references for the animators. For example, ane of the things the animators needed was an updated Puppycat model canvass that showed a wider range of expressions and motion and then they can better interpret the drawings in the storyboards, so Natasha asked me to assistance with that. Some other things they often demand are rough mockup animations for sure sequences and effects as well.

When you're working on the series are there whatsoever comic books or animated serial/characters that influence you?

I'm really into the piece of work of anime director Kunihiko Ikuhara like Sailor Moon, Utena, and Penguindrum, so I think some of that shows through. I'thou also really large into Nintendo games and so influences besides tend to seep through from Mario RPGs, Animal Crossing, and Pokémon.

As y'all began working on the new episodes what sort of fine art did Natasha share with you to get the testify the way she wanted it to look?

When work for the new season was barely beginning, she really made a big inspiration folder total of art from various Japanese artists and erstwhile anime that had the kind of feel she wanted for Bee and PuppyCat.

How did y'all come up with the design for the Bee and PuppyCat logo?

It'south a mix of me using various magical girl anime and Kirby logos for inspiration, and as well Natasha really pushing for something similar to the title screen logo of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game.

When you are working on something do you just jump correct in?

Sometimes I think nearly what I'm going to do a lot earlier I draw anything, only other times I just start slapping shapes down and hoping that something interesting comes out of it!

Is there anything you might have hidden in the backgrounds of Bee and PuppyCat?

There'southward a black cat figurine on Bee's shelf with a gold crest on its forehead… but it's star-shaped… we call her… Starna…

Are you working on annihilation else besides Bee and PuppyCat right now?

I used to work on mobile social games, but currently I'g at Cartoon Network with Efrain equally their other colour stylist on Steven Universe. When I go a chance I as well endeavour to work on this really old webcomic I started back in high school called "Directions of Destiny," which I promise to relaunch soon!

What's your favorite video game?

Tin I pick more than i?? My first favorite video game was Super Mario RPG, and I'g likewise really into the Fire Emblem games (my top two are Radiant Dawn and Awakening), and a lot of RPGs from the '90s similar Fable of Mana, Terminal Fantasy 8, some Harvest Moon games, and Breath of Burn down 3.

Thanks Hans!

Don't forget to check out the premiere of Bee and PuppyCat: The Series, which goes alive Th at 8 p.grand. EST, exclusively on Cartoon Hangover. Merely first, join the states for our 24-Hr Livestream Inaugural, featuring guests, games, and giveaways ample, kicking off Wednesday at 8 p.m. EST!

- Gwen, Joe, Lisa


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