Why Do the Octonaughts Sound Funny
- Some of the activities the Octonauts are seen doing when the Octo-Alert goes off are pretty silly, including Peso shampooing a crab, Barnacles testing a snorkel, and Shellington modeling a swimsuit.
- Unintentional, but in one of the books, Shellington gains Sudden Anatomy to point at something. However, the way it's drawn makes it look like he's giving the middle finger.
- One of the activities shown in "The Frown Fish" is dress-up.
- One of the Vegimals helping Tweak into an oversized giraffe costume.
- Some of the Frown Fish's costumes include "Magic User Lvl. 20" and "Doctor".
- One of the books contains the backstory of the Vegimals note The show would feature a very similar scene in "A Very Vegimal Christmas". On this page, one of the notes in Shellington's journal reads "Note to self: look into Hive Mind behaviours."
Animated Adaptation
- Season 1
- When Kwazii told Barnacles how quiet it was in the Octopod and how it made him uncomfortable, Barnacles then asks why they are whispering.
- Shellington explaining to Peso what a Snot Sea Cucumber is.
- Kwazii has a fantastic Double Take when a female seahorse tells the Octonauts her male partner is about to give birth.
- "Faster than you can say... uh, six to eight weeks?"
- In the Narwhal episode, after narrowingly stopping at the ice wall, Peso and Shellington drop this famous little gem:
Shellington: (screaming)
Peso: It's okay. We stopped.
- In the Pelicans episode, Barnacles sounds the Octo-Alert as per normal. But...
Barnacles: Octonauts to the Launch Bay.
(one montage later)
Tweak: (casually munching a carrot) Uh, Cap? We're already in the Launch Bay.
Barnacles: (looking somewhat sheepish) Uh, right...
- In fact, this happens a fair bit. Another time was when Barnacles put the marshmallows into the chocolate too early, and Tweak tells him off for it.
- The beginning of "The Decorator Crab", where Kwazii is playing with a ball of yarn when it falls into the Octo-Chute, and he yowls and jumps in after it. Really, there is something oddly hilarious about hearing such a realistic yowl come from a Funny Animal, especially one who happens to be a retired pirate.
- Likely unintentional, but during the Octo-Alert in "The Whale Shark", Peso reacts to the Octo-Alert with surprise...even though he's the one who sounded it!
- In one episode, the crew finds an immortal jellyfish. You'd think Jesus had come again judging by how Shellington reacts.
- "Jumping immortal jellyfish!!"
- "Octonauts, to the jelly bay!"
- Him running face-first into a GUP.
- When he checks on the immortal jellyfish while driving the GUP-E, he gets this response:
Barnacles: Oh, he's doing just fine.
Kwazii: Except that he almost got swallowed by a whale.
- Tunip sounding the Octo-Alert in "A Very Vegimal Christmas" and summoning the Vegimals to HQ. The first time he sounds it, the Vegimals get lost. He sounds it again and they get lost again. Exasperated, Tunip sounds it a third time and the Vegimals manage to arrive there, only to smack into each other and fall over.
- At the end of the "Creature Report" segment, Kwazii does a sick backflip, then has an Aside Glance, as if to say "Did ya see that?!".
- "Are you hungry?" "There's a monkey?! Where?"
- "We should have asked those sailfish for a ride home."
- In the Whale Shark episode, after getting Dashi out of the whale shark, she shares some of her pictures of the inside of the whale shark with the crew and comes across a picture of Kwazii in Captain Barnacles' arms.
- In "The Crab and Urchin", Captain Barnacles wakes Shellington in the middle of the night, needing info on the creatures they're helping. Afterwards, cut to Shellington asleep at the screen.
- Even better; in the French dub, he sounds like he's meowing in his sleep.
- In "The Oarfish", when Peso, Pinto and Professor Inkling were looking for the supposed monster, Pinto sees the thing out the window and asks if the monster was long, silver and has red spikes on his head. Then Peso and the professor spot it. Cue to them screaming.
- Pinto even decides to sound the Octo-Alert!
- In "The Scary Spookfish", we get this exchange:
Peso: (whimpering) Wh-who are you?
Boo: Boo!
Peso: Ah! (ducks down, then comes up) You...s-scared me!
Boo: I'm sorry. You asked who I am.
Peso: Yes I did. So who are you?
Boo: Boo.
Peso: Ah! (ducks down again, then comes back up) Will you please stop doing that?
Boo: Stop what?
Peso: Scaring me.
Boo: I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry.
Peso: Well, okay. So, what's your name?
Boo: Boo!
Peso: Ah!
Boo: Boo!
Peso: Ah!
Boo: Boo!
Peso: Ah!
Boo: Boo!
Peso: Ah!
Boo: My name is Boo!
- Everyone being startled by Boo the Spookfish.
- In "The Slime Eels", after escaping the slime eels the first time Kwazii decides to go back in. The result? Kwazii gets pelted by the slime eels in less than two seconds and gets covered in slime.
- In "The Enormous Elephant Seal", When Leon finally wakes up the first thing he does is... wail so loudly that it woke up everyone in the Octopod, except for Dashi who had headphones on.
- In "The Sardine School", this exchange:
Peso: How's your head Kwazii? Do you feel dizzy? Sleepy? How many fingers am I holding up?
- This:
Barnacles: Octonauts, we've got an emergency-rescue-first-aid-lost-sardine situation.
All: Huh?
Barnacles: Oh. I'll explain on the way.
- From "The Humuhumus"
- Peso struggling to pronounce "humuhumunukunukuapua'a".
- Kwazii had trouble pronouncing it too.
- Captain Barnacles getting sprayed by one of the humuhumus and then Kwazii.
Shellington: Humuhumus can blow strong jets of water from their mouths.
- Peso struggling to pronounce "humuhumunukunukuapua'a".
- The conversation in "The Giant Spider Crab":
Peso: You're not just a little bit scared of what's out there?
Kwazii: (laughing) Scared? This pirate isn't afraid of anything.
Peso: Not even sharks?
Kwazii: Ha! I laugh at them.
Peso: How about poisonous jellyfish?
Kwazii: Not scary to me!
Dashi: What about vampire squids?
Kwazii: Vampire squids? Ahhh, let me at 'em.
Peso: Snakes?
Kwazii: Nope.
Peso: Bats?
Kwazii: No.
Peso: Scorpions?
Kwazii: Haha! No match for Kwazii!
Peso: Uhhh. How 'bout spiders?
Kwazii: S-spiders? (gulps)
- From "The Great Penguin Race":
- This exchange:
Kwazii: Yeow! Who says penguins can't fly?
Barnacles: Uh, Kwazii? They can't.
- The referee penguin startling Peso with his gong.
- Hugo and Peso tussling for the Iron Clam in the second round.
- This exchange:
- In "The Colossal Squid", while trying to break free, Peso is seen trying to bandage a patient, but instead of bandaging it on the injury, he wraps the bandage around his whole patient due to the shaking.
- This:
Peso: I wish it would stop shaking us!
(shaking stops)
Colossal Squid: No more shaking.
Colossal Squid: Time for squeezing!
(proceeds to squish the Octopod)
- This:
- Kwazii getting wrapped up in Peso's bandages in "The Great White Shark".
- Peso not realizing that the shark is right behind him.
- In "The Adelie Penguins" when Peso and Kwazii volunteer to babysit the chicks while Captain Barnacles heads back to the Octopod due to an iceberg moving towards it, both have to deal with their own problems:
- Peso having to deal with Flip and Flap who bickers every so often.
- At one point Peso misnames them.
- Kwazii having to deal with Rocco, who's a daredevil and puts himself in danger.
- Peso having to deal with Flip and Flap who bickers every so often.
- In "The Coconut Crabs", while racing with the flying fish Kwazii crashes into a coconut with Calico Jack's marking.
- Also, in the same episode, Kwazii attempts to open it...by smashing it against the back of the Gup-B denting it in the process. The second attempt, he attempts to open it with Tweak's Octo-Claw, but after a few tries it ricochets off the walls and lands in the Captain's paw.
- The jawfish's constant gibberish speech patterns in "The Jawfish".
- From "The Fiddler Crabs"
- Peso getting pinched in the beak after offering to help a fiddler crab with his injured claw.
- The leader of the fiddler crabs taking control of the Gup-D.
- Peso's reaction to the sea krait in "The Sea Snakes".
- From "The Porcupine Puffer":
- Kwazii scaring Puffy and himself.
- Characters doing the bird signal.
- Kwazii forgetting to pack the fish pack.
- Kwazii's funny dance in the Whale Shark.
- Kwazii's story to Puffy:
Kwazii: Once upon a time, Uncle Kwazii and a cute little pufferfish were waiting to be rescued by Uncle Barnacles and Uncle Peso, (chuckles; growing impatient) who are taking forever!
- Kwazii looking for Peso who's trapped inside a clam among a bunch of clams.
Kwazii: Clam...clam...Peso...clam...clam...Peso?!
- From "The Manatees"
- Captain Barnacles suffering through all the slapstick during this episode. Highlights include him tumbling on the back of a blue whale and falling into a shipwreck.
- This:
- And this:
Barnacles: Then we better get them back to the (gets stung by the jellyfish) Ouch!-o-pod.
Kwazii: The Ouch!-o-pod?
Barnacles: I meant get them all back to the Octopod.
- In "The Bowhead Whales" Kwazii's reaction to how herring communicate.
Kwazii: Out of their...behinds?!
- Kwazii being unfazed with Mortimus' impersonations of deadly sea animals in "The Mimic Octopus".
- From "The Siphonophore"
- Kwazii mispronouncing "Siphonophore".
- Captain Barnacles warning Kwazii and Dashi about the geysers.
Barnacles: You're heading straight for a field of geysers!
Kwazii: There's peas in the freezer?
- The US dub:
Barnacles: You're heading straight for a field of geysers!
Kwazii: Some wheezy divers?
- From "The Cone Snail"
- This:
Kwazii: It...stung me.
Barnacles: What stung you Kwazii?
Kwazii: (woozy) No. Kwazii didn't sting me. I'm Kwazii.
- Kwazii getting taken care of by the Vegimals at the end of the episode.
- The Creature Report features a clip of Shellington being attacked by the cone snail...while Shellington stands below it singing.
- This:
- In "The Water Bears", when a rock falls on Kwazii's head, he thinks that the rover is right in front of him and tries to grab it, only for Captain Barnacles to lift up his visor to reveal it's several feet away.
- Kwazii kicking muck on himself in "The Sea Pigs".
Kwazii: Healthy or not, I reckon it smells awful.
- The return of the "You're standing on my foot!" joke at the end of "The Duck-Billed Platypus".
- The Mudskippers' constant bickering from "The Mudskippers".
- Creatures mistaking the GUPS as real creatures in "The Hammerhead Sharks".
- Any time Tunip faints.
- Kwazii's attempt to untangle Leo's tentacles in "The Lion's Mane Jellyfish".
- Octonauts getting sprayed in the face by the red rock crabs in "The Red Rock Crabs".
- Peso and then Kwazii fainting due to the foul smell left from the yeti crab.
- From "The Hidden Lake"
- Shellington getting ahead of the others. Kwazii's even impressed by it.
- Kwazii's solution to sleep better? By putting another eyepatch on his other eye. The result? When he woke up he couldn't see a thing and knocks over Captain Barnacles.
- After hearing the microbe, Shellington thought he was hearing things.
- Peso's attempt to drive the GUP-S.
- From "The Octopod Mystery":
- This:
Kwazii: Can't you just make a new one matey?
Tweak: I could, but that would take days...or months.
- When Barnacles was searching the old Octopod's library:
- The rest of the crew trying to balance the Octopod.
- This:
- From "The Walrus Pups"
- A flashback showing a young Barnacles failing to get a badge that involves helping a walrus.
- The walrus formula-making montage.
- At the end of the episode the walrus babies have returned to their mothers. Their way of thanking Barnacles? Hugging him real tight. It even becomes a photograph.
- From "The Baby Sea Turtles"
- The whole crew's reaction to how long it will take for the eggs to hatch.
Shellington: It'll take a few more minutes. Or a few more days.
(Tunip faints)
- Kwazii wanting to go for another ride after the crew had been hit by a tidal wave.
- The Vegimals' method of digging? Making sand angels.
- Kwazii's reaction to how long it'll take for the turtles to grow up and return to the beach.
Kwazii: How long does that take?
Shellington: About 15-20 years.
- Even better. Grouber doesn't mind waiting that long.
- The whole crew's reaction to how long it will take for the eggs to hatch.
- From "The Mantis Shrimp"
- The mantis shrimps' whole fight throughout the episode.
- The mantis shrimps' whole argument on "who's the calmest" and then later breaking out of their tanks.
Hermit Crab 3: Maybe they don't know what the word "calm" means.
- "Flying claw attack!"
- The baby tree lobster running around the Octopod in "The Tree Lobsters".
- This exchange in "The Convict Fish"
Peso: Can you get your mama to talk to Captain Barnacles?
Gilbert: Is he your mama?
Peso: (giggles)
Barnacles: Uh, not exactly. But I do look after him.
- From "The Emperor Penguins"
- Kwazii getting a ride from one of the emperor penguins.
- Even better. He liked it!
- Kwazii getting a ride from one of the emperor penguins.
- "I've seen to be bumping into a lot of penguins today."
- When Tweak finds out that the GUP-S is at the bottom of an ice chasm.
Tweak: Where's the GUP-S?
Kwazii: (Clears throat; To Peso) You tell her matey.
Peso: Me? Why do I have to tell her?
Dashi: Well, I'm not going to tell her.
Barnacles: I'm afraid that the GUP-S is at the bottom of an ice chasm.
(Tweak faints)
Barnacles: Tweak! I didn't think you'd take it that hard.
- The Running Gag of the blobfish trying to catch up with a mob of predators to get food in "The Bomber Worms".
- The two crawfishes arguing over what the mystery creature looked like and then who goes first on getting cured at the end of "The Crawfish".
- Kwazii's failed attempts at surfing at the beginning of "The Surfing Snails".
- From "The Flamingos"
- The whole montage of the flamingo chicks dancing and Barnacles, Kwazii and Peso untangling the adult flamingos.
- When the three were looking for Phil:
(a feather lands of Kwazii's nose)
Kwazii: (sneezes)
Peso: (catches the feather) Look! Oh, and bless you Kwazii.
- From "Operation Cooperation"
- Kwazii and Shellington sneaking through the hallway.
- Kwazii telling Shellington to do exactly what he does. The results?
- This:
Kwazii: Remember just do everything that I do. (he stubs his foot on a crate) Yeow! Ooh! Ah! Eee! Toe!
Kwazii: Not yet.
Shellington: Ah, sorry.
- Shellington even mistook Kwazii's crash as part of the driving lesson.
- And when Kwazii tries to explain to Tweak that the Gups are in good condition after their little driving lesson, it takes a few seconds for Kwazii to realize that the steering wheel had come off.
- Made even funnier that he was holding the steering wheel as he got out of the GUP-B.
- From "The Kelp Monster Mystery"
- Kwazii apparently sneaks in dessert before dinner as stated by Koshi.
- "Nothing can get past my little sister...except when she's reading."
- When Peso was interviewing the sea creatures on what the big creature looked like, the creatures had different opinions on what it looked like.
- From "The Hippos"
- Shellington falling asleep on the Octo-Alert button.
- Kwazii having the hippos chase him by calling them lazy and dancing in front of them.
- From "The Yellow-Bellied Sea Snakes
- Tomminnow getting flung off-screen when the Vegimals were pumping water.
- At the end of the episode, Peso tries to wave goodbye to Simone...only to forget that he's waving with his injured flipper. You can already guess what happens next.
- From the "Loneliest Whale"
- The fact that a huge humpback whale with a deep sounding voice has a very high-pitched singing voice may be funny to some viewers.
- From "The Spinner Dolphins"
- This exchange at the beginning of the episode:
Shellington: (naming the fishes that swim by the Octopod)
Peso: What's that one over there?
Shellington: That's...Uh, well, from here it sort of looks like...(an old boot floats by) an old boot?
Kwazii: (who comes up the ladder) "Old Boot"? That's a weird name for a fish.
Shellington: No. I mean, it actually is an old boot.
- "Sounds like a r-eel mess!"
- Captain Barnacles trying to get the spinner dolphins' attention by turning up the mic only for the feedback to sound, much to the other Octonauts' chagrin.
- Apparently spinner dolphins sleep swim.
- During the Octo-Alert Montage, the other Octonauts have a little trouble meeting the captain through the debris.
- Dashi, Shellington and Tunip bump into some of the debris.
- Peso, who has garbage all over his GUP, spins it around to get them all off.
- Tweak moves the debris out of way with the GUP-D
- And Kwazii casually just drives through the debris like it's nothing.
- Tunip getting caught in Shellington's net, ending up in the giant bin and then having debris thrown at him.
- Kwazii's attempts to copy the dolphin leader's moves.
- And apparently his first attempt means that a shark is nearby and his second attempt means "swim in circles".
- Almost all of "The Coelacanth"
- When the Octonauts find a coelacanth fossil:
Shellington: This is the fossil of a coelacanth!
- When the fossil goes missing, one of the Vegimals faint in the background.
- "It appears our fossil has disappeared!"
- The Monster of the Day in this episode is called "Jumping Janglebones".
- Made even funnier when you realize that out of all of Kwazii's monster names (and tales), this one has a rather funny-sounding name.
- Kwazii getting tail-smacked in the face.
- The Octonauts bumping into each other in the cave.
- This:
Kwazii: (sounding slightly in pain; to Barnacles) That's my tail you're squishing.
(camera zooms out to reveal the captain on Kwazii's tail)
Barnacles: (swims off it) Oops. Sorry, Kwazii.
- Made even funnier when you realize that this exchange is similar to the "You're standing on my foot" gag.
- Everyone's reactions of seeing the coelacanth.
- Peso's high-pitched scream after seeing the actual coelacanth in the UK dub.
- Shellington bumping into a stalactite after seeing the coelacanth and trapping everyone in the cave.
- Kwazii saying that he was stretching his legs after meeting the coelacanth.
- From "The Coconut Crisis"
- Kwazii constantly getting bonked in the head by coconuts. Highlights includes Kwazii getting hit in the head by said coconut, crashing into a tree and gets hit by another coconut and him getting hit with another one at the end of the episode.
- "Coconuts...Octonuts... Octonauts. To Coconut Crab Island!"
- "Me coconuts. Me coconuts! Me coconuts!"
- From "The Sunfish"
- This scene:
Kwazii: (To Shellington and the creatures at the back of the GUP-C) Hang on mateys! This could be a wild ride!
Kwazii: Oh come on! Come on! We haven't got all day!
Shellington: I guess the GUP-C isn't the fastest GUP around.
Kwazii: (is about to pull the lever) Get ready for turbo speed!
Shellington: I didn't know the GUP-C had turbo speed.
Kwazii: It doesn't. (pulls the lever causing the GUP-C to speed up)
- The Caves of Sac Actun
- At the beginning of the movie, the Octonauts were planning to surprise some when they come out of the Octo-hatch. When Coddish comes out of the hatch the crew ends up surprising him instead.
- There was an exercise involving rings during the swim test. When the Vegimals were bringing out said rings, Coddish holds out a donut, much to Tunip's exasperation.
- This exchange after Kwazii's recent pirate tale about the cenotes in the Yucatan jungle:
Peso: (nervous) What's inside those caves?
- The iguanas in general and how hammy they are.
- This:
Iguana 2: (To Barnacles, Peso and Coba) Not so fast! You must give something to the great guardians of the cenote!
Iguana 2: That's us.
- Anytime the iguanas say "Not everyone who goes into the cenote comes out of the cenote".
- Kwazii playing against Professor Inkling in ping-pong. Doubles as a Moment of Awesome.
- It gets even funnier when Inkling starts bringing out more paddles, making it harder for Kwazii to keep up.
Kwazii: I can't keep up with all them paddles.
- He even takes out a book while playing.
- When Kwazii and Dashi announce the disappearance of the Captain and Peso, each of the Vegimals faint one by one.
- The Creatures A-Z Song
- Not only does Shellington mispronounce "coconut crab" as "conocono crab", but it's actually Tunip who corrects him.
- Him running out of breath. Twice.
- "Xylophone solo!!"
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/TheOctonauts
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